National Policy Dialogue

..the abode of Wisdom.

National Policy Dialogue

..the abode of Wisdom.

+234 8072623127





The Dawn of a New Universal Civilization

Humanity stands at the most crucial turning point in history. The civilization we have known for thousands of years has collapsed in spirit and truth. Greed, conflict, and division have corrupted its foundations, leaving the human species in a state of crisis. The world is fractured – by race, nationality, class, religion, and ideology – yet these divisions are illusions. We are one species, one people, one humanity. But we have forgotten who we are.

We now face the greatest existential question: Will humanity continue on the path of self-destruction, or will we rise to create a New Universal Civilization that restores the unity, peace, and sacred value of human life?

At this most defining moment in human evolution, Nigeria has been divinely chosen to lead the world into a new era – the final and most complete civilization that will unify all of humankind.

The Divine Mission of Nigeria

Nigeria is not just a country; it is the highest concentration of Black people on Earth, a people chosen for a supreme purpose – to give new meaning, new direction, and new destiny to humanity. It is not by accident that Nigeria exists. God Almighty has willed it so. Nigeria is the womb of a new world. The time has come for Nigerians to awaken to their true identity, to their sacred responsibility, and to the eternal destiny that has been placed in their hands.

This is the greatest task ever given to a people. This is the most important duty in human history. The destiny of Nigeria is to:

  1. Create a New Nigeria: A nation built on eternal principles of justice, wisdom, unity, and peace.
  2. Establish the First True Universal Civilization: A model for a world without war, poverty, oppression, or division.
  3. Unify All of Humanity: To transcend all barriers of race, religion, and nationality, and bring the human family together as one.
  4. Restore the Supreme Value of Human Life: To create a society where every person is valued, dignified, and given the opportunity to fulfill their highest potential.

The Conscious Creation of the New Nigeria

A nation is not merely land and borders – it is an idea, a purpose, a destiny. The New Nigeria will not emerge by chance. It must be consciously created through wisdom, divine intelligence, and the highest principles of truth.

The Five Pillars of the New Nigeria

  1. A New National Consciousness: Every Nigerian must awaken to the reality that we are not just a country – we are the builders of a new world civilization. This realization will unite us with a higher purpose beyond our ethnic and religious differences.
  2. A Leadership of Wisdom: The New Nigeria will be led not by greed or ambition but by men and women of wisdom – leaders who understand the laws of nature, the will of God, and the eternal principles that govern human progress.
  3. A Society of Peace and Justice: The New Nigeria will be a nation where no one is oppressed, where the law is just, and where peace is not enforced by force, but established through the harmony of purpose.
  4. A New Economic System: The New Nigeria will not be built on exploitation or inequality, but on the principle that every human being has a divine right to a dignified life. Wealth will be distributed based on justice, ensuring prosperity for all.
  5. A Universal Civilization for Mankind: The New Nigeria will be a model for all nations, demonstrating how a society can be built on unity, wisdom, and divine principles. It will be the first true universal civilization, welcoming all of humanity to participate in its vision of a new world.

The Call to Every Human Being on Earth

This message is not only for Nigerians – it is a message to all of humankind. The fate of the world is at stake. Every human being must now make a choice:

  1. To continue living in the illusion of division, greed, and conflict – or to embrace the truth of our shared humanity.
  2. To be passive in the face of a collapsing civilization – or to take an active role in building a new one.
  3. To live in darkness and ignorance – or to awaken to the divine wisdom that is calling us forward.

We cannot afford to fail. If humanity does not unite now, if we do not create a New Universal Civilization, our species will not survive. The planet cannot sustain our greed. Our divisions will destroy us. The time for action is now.

A Universal Civilization for the Survival of Humanity

This is not a political ideology. This is not a utopian fantasy. This is the law of nature. Every great civilization has a cycle – birth, growth, decay, and collapse. The current world system has collapsed. Now, we must build the final civilization – the one that will last forever.

The New Nigeria will be the Archetype of this final civilization. It will be a model for how humanity can live in unity, peace, and wisdom.

Three Laws of the New Universal Civilization:

  1. The Law of Oneness: Humanity is one family, and our highest duty is to love and serve one another.
  2. The Law of Peace: War and conflict are unnatural and unnecessary; true strength comes from wisdom and unity.
  3. The Law of Purpose: Every human being has a divine role in the evolution of humanity, and society must nurture this purpose.

A Supreme Responsibility and a Sacred Duty

This is not just a vision – it is a responsibility. Nigeria has been chosen by Divine Wisdom to lead this Transformation. But it is not enough to dream. We must act.

To Nigerians: Awaken to your Destiny. You are not ordinary people. You have been chosen to bring a New World into Existence. Rise to your Calling. Unite as One. Build the New Nigeria.

To Africa: Africa, you are the Spiritual Mother of all Nations. You are the Cradle of Civilization. Now, you must lead the world into its next and final evolution. The New Nigeria will be your beacon – follow Her Light.

To the World: Humanity, the time has come. This is your last chance to unite, to heal, to build a new civilization. The New Nigeria is the model. The choice is yours.

The Final Word: A New Beginning for Mankind

The New Nigeria is not just a dream. It is an absolute necessity for the survival of our species. The old world is gone. A new world must rise.

This is our destiny. This is our calling. This is our time.

The future of the world is in our hands!

Let us build the New Nigeria!

Let us create the Final Universal Civilization!

Let us save Humanity!


Abdulrahaman is the Founder, Initiative for Discovery of Nigeria Heritage and Endowment (IDNHE).
Chairman, National Policy Dialogue.

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