National Policy Dialogue

..the abode of Wisdom.

National Policy Dialogue

..the abode of Wisdom.

+234 8072623127



By Musa-Ododo Abdulrahaman

This Message is an Intense Awakening to Resurrect our Humanity, and to Invoke the Most Important National Conversation in our Life as a People of Nigeria, in the face of our present challenging situation.

This Enlightenment serves as a profound call to action for Nigerians to awaken to our unique purpose and responsibility on Earth. It invites us to deep reflection and a national conversation about Nigeria’s role in the unfolding of Global history and the Evolution of Human Civilization.

The Essence of Nigeria

Nigeria: Who is She?

Nigeria is an Eternal Word devoid of alphabet. A Peculiar Theophany for the New World. She is an Entity of Providence that must Fulfill a Purpose for Humanity.
Nigeria is not merely as a geographical entity or a nation defined by her natural endowment but as a Divine Manifestation, with a Distinct, Divinely Ordained role in the Creation of a “New World.” As an “Entity of Providence,” Nigeria carries a Specific Purpose for Humanity that transcends ordinary national ambitions. This Glorious Purpose is tied to a deeper Spiritual and Universal mission that needs to be understood and realized by all Nigerians.

Understanding the Knowledge of Time: The Knowledge of Now

To comprehend Nigeria’s role, we must first grasp the “Knowledge of Time” that we live in. Time is the most crucial element in our existence on Earth—a guiding force that shapes the actions and outcomes of human endeavors. Understanding this eternal force, means being aware of the current Cosmic and the enigmatic influences that govern global dynamics. It involves recognizing that there are specific moments in history when transformative actions aligned with Divine Will can shape the future of Humanity.

The Knowledge of Now involves an acute awareness of the present moment—of where we stand as a species in the grand timeline of evolution. For the human race, it signifies a time for reflection, wisdom, and collective action guided by a Higher Consciousness that transcends national, racial, or cultural boundaries.

Global Shifts in Power, Economy, and Social Order

History has shown that every 250 years, Cosmic influences bring about a Universal Shifts in Global Power Structures, Economic Systems, and Social Orders. The last such shift, occurring between 1777 and 1798, led to major changes worldwide, marking the rise of New Powers and Ideas. Today, Humanity is again on the cusp of another major Transformation—a shift that signals the end of one era and the beginning of a New One.

In this Intangible Reality, the Universal Implementation of the Knowledge of the Now Time becomes crucial. It suggests that Humanity is undergoing an existential crisis due to the decay and collapse of the current civilization. This collapse, however, is also an opportunity—a call for Renewal, a chance to Build a New Civilization that Transcends the divisions and conflicts of the past. The old is dead, the New must be Born. This is Law of Nature!

Nigeria’s Divine Responsibility

Given this backdrop, Nigerians are called to lead in Establishing a New Universal Civilization—one that seeks to Unify Humankind. GOD Almighty Has brought together the greatest concentration of the Black people on the surface of the Earth called Nigeria. This is not accidents of history but Purposeful Acts of Divine intention. The people of Nigeria are envisioned as key actors in bringing about a civilization that serves as a model for unity, peace, and progress for all of humanity. So we must all come to this understanding and make harmony of our diversities, so we can fulfill this Great and Unparalleled Destiny!

The Call to Action

This Message reaffirms that Nigeria, is an Archetype of the “Last New Civilization for Mankind,” and we must rise to her Spiritual and Universal Purpose. This is a call for Nigerians to:

1. Awaken to Their Divine Purpose: Recognize the unique role Nigeria has been Ordained to play in the World.

2. Unify and Collaborate: Transcend internal divisions and come together to achieve a Higher Purpose.

3. Embrace the Knowledge of Now: Understand the importance of the current time in shaping the future of Humanity.

4. Lead the Creation of a New Civilization: Take the onerous initiative in the Conscious Creation and Building of a New Social and Economic Order that Unifies Humankind under the Principles of Justice, Peace, and Universal Brotherhood. 



This Glorious Message urges us Nigerians to see beyond the immediate challenges and recognize our potential and responsibility as catalysts for global transformation. It emphasizes that now is the time to act with Wisdom, Courage, and a Deep Sense of Purpose, Fulfilling the Destiny that Nigeria, as a Divine Entity, is meant to achieve.

Yours for Nigeria as a Global Leader.

Musa-Ododo Abdulrahaman,
Initiative for Discovery of Nigeria Heritage and Endowment (IDNHE).
Project Coordinator,
National Policy Dialogue.

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