National Policy Dialogue

..the abode of Wisdom.

National Policy Dialogue

..the abode of Wisdom.

+234 8072623127



A nation is more than its borders, its government, or its economy. It is a revelation – a divine and conscious manifestation of collective identity, purpose, and destiny. It reflects the soul of its people, revealing their values, aspirations, and understanding of themselves. For Nigerians, this understanding is essential to forge a unified, purposeful, and prosperous nation.

The Nature of Nationhood: A Divine and Conscious Manifestation

A nation is a revelation of a divine plan, unfolding through the will of its people. It is not a coincidence of geography or politics; rather, it is a manifestation of shared ideals, cultural heritage, and visionary leadership. Throughout history, nations that have stood the test of time were built on profound revelations of purpose and identity.

Ancient Civilizations as Models of Revelation:
The Roman Empire, for example, was built on the idea of Pax Romana (Roman Peace), where law, governance, and military power were seen as divinely ordained to bring order to the known world. Similarly, the ancient Egyptian civilization was structured around the principle of Ma’at, representing truth, balance, and cosmic order.

Modern Nations as Revelations:
The United States of America was consciously built on the principles of liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness. These ideals, enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, became a beacon of hope for freedom-seeking peoples worldwide. South Africa, through the wisdom of Nelson Mandela, emerged from the horrors of apartheid to become a revelation of reconciliation and unity.

The Crucial Need for the Conscious Creation of a New Nigeria

Nigeria today remains, in many ways, a geographical expression – a mosaic of diverse cultures, languages, and religions held together by political boundaries drawn during colonial rule. Yet, Nigeria has not fully realized its potential as a unified nation.

Why Conscious Creation is Essential:

  1. The Law of Nature and Nationhood:
    Nations are not accidents of history. They are deliberate creations guided by the principles of unity, justice, and shared purpose. Without a conscious effort to define its identity and mission, Nigeria risks remaining fragmented.
  2. The Nigerian Reality:

Ethnic and religious divides continue to hinder unity.

Corruption and mismanagement reflect a lack of shared values and national consciousness.

Many Nigerians see themselves first as members of their ethnic group rather than as Nigerians.

  1. The Need for a New Vision:
    A New Nigeria must be consciously crafted through a shared understanding of its purpose and destiny. This requires a national revelation – a vision that unites all Nigerians around common ideals of justice, equity, and progress.

The Role of Broad National Dialogue: A ‘Dialogue with Wisdom’

The conscious creation of a New Nigeria cannot happen without dialogue. Dialogue is the precept that has guided human civilizations through their most challenging periods.

Examples from History:

South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission:
After apartheid, South Africa undertook a national dialogue to confront its painful past and lay the foundation for a unified future. This process of reconciliation and truth-telling became a model for other nations.

The American Constitutional Convention:
The United States was born out of intense dialogue among its Founding Fathers, who debated and agreed upon the principles that would guide the new nation.

India’s Independence Movement:
Through dialogue and nonviolent resistance led by Mahatma Gandhi, India found a way to unite its diverse population and gain independence from colonial rule.

Why Nigeria Needs a Broad National Dialogue:

  1. To Define the Nigeria Dream:
    What does it mean to be Nigerian? What is the vision for Nigeria’s future? These questions must be answered collectively.
  2. To Build Shared Values:
    Nigerians must come together to agree on the principles that will guide the nation – justice, equity, meritocracy, and unity.
  3. To Resolve Divisions:
    Dialogue can bridge ethnic, religious, and regional divides, fostering understanding and cooperation.
  4. To Create New Institutions:
    Institutions that reflect the aspirations and values of Nigerians must be built to replace those that perpetuate corruption and inefficiency.

The Call for a Conscious and Unified Effort

A New Nigeria requires the conscious effort of every citizen, from leaders to ordinary people. This effort must be guided by wisdom, vision, and a commitment to justice.

The Path Forward:

  1. A National Visioning Conference:
    Convene a broad-based national dialogue involving all sectors of society – traditional leaders, religious leaders, youth, women, intellectuals, and political leaders.
  2. Adoption of a New National Philosophy:
    Embrace the idea of “Humanity is Life” as a guiding principle, recognizing the dignity and worth of every Nigerian.
  3. Institutional Reform:
    Create institutions that reflect the shared values and aspirations of Nigerians, ensuring accountability, transparency, and inclusiveness.
  4. Education and Civic Engagement:
    Teach the principles of unity, justice, and national pride in schools and through public campaigns. Encourage every Nigerian to see themselves as part of the collective effort to build a New Nigeria.

Conclusion: A Revelation of Destiny

Nigeria’s destiny is not to remain a fragmented geographical entity but to become a revelation of unity, strength, and progress. By consciously creating a New Nigeria through dialogue, shared values, and visionary leadership, Nigerians can fulfill their divine purpose and inspire the world.

This is not just a call to action; it is a call to Destiny. Let us Unite, Reflect, and Build a Nigeria that is not just a Nation but a Revelation for all Humanity.

Yours for Nigeria as a Global Leader.

Abdulrahaman is the Founder, Initiative for Discovery of Nigeria Heritage and Endowment (IDNHE).
Chairman, National Policy Dialogue.

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